kids, wildlife and a FEASTaval tree

Kids area always wanting to get involved with the holiday decorating, however handing over your great, great grandmother’s ornament to sticky toddler hands is not exactly an ideal set of “helping hands.”

So how do you get your kids involved so they can have their own holiday fun? Decorating an outdoor tree or even just a branch to share with the wildlife is a great way to include your little ones while getting to know your wildlife neighbors.

Below are a few photos examples of ornaments and decorating. To hang items use natural twine or hemp rope so it is easy and fast to break down and its easy for the animals to see to avoid getting caught in. To add longevity to your natural ropes, try coating them in beeswax. Left over wax is fun to play with and sculpt.

**** When hanging your items, AVOID things like ribbon, fishing line, or string. These things can pose a threat to animals. Whether its some fishing line tangled up in a bird’s wing or you could have a deer accidentally eat some ribbon and at best it just gets stuck in its tooth. None of these are great situations.

Please be sure to safely set up your “feastaval tree” in an area known to not attract problematic neighbor hood pest such as bears.

